WIP Mentoring Program
I started the Undergrad/Grad Women in Physics Mentoring Program at UCSD with the help of two undergrad women in Physics. We pair graduate women in physics with undergrad physics majors in an effort to inspire and encourage the next generation of female physicists. The program was launched in 2015 and it involves monthly meetings between the mentors and their group of mentees where they can discuss research opportunities, schoolwork, or personal issues. In addition, we organize a social event once a quarter for all participants to meet and get to know one another. This program provides support to the female members of our community while they navigate the challenges of being a woman in physics. Learn more at: http://mwip.ucsd.edu
2do Campamento Latinoamericano de Ciencias
I was invited to participate at the 2nd Latin-American science camp as an instructor, held in Minas, Uruguay in March 2015. Twenty-five high school students from 5 countries in Latin America, educators and volunteers came together for a week-long science camp for hands-on learning. Access to this form of education outside the classroom is not widespread in Latin America. Within the setting of the valley of Arequita, the students were given a broad scientific topic, asked to pose a research question, and were instructed to design experiments to answer it quantitatively while working in teams. The educators encouraged students to engage in critical thinking and reasoning experimenting with their own hands. The insatiable curiosity and steady motivation of the high schoolers had them working all day. Needless to say, both students and instructors (especially myself, who got a free trip to Uruguay) had an unforgettable experience.
Media coverage in Spanish from the American Embassy in Uruguay. Twitter: #CampLat
During the summer of 2013, 20 Spanish-speaking students traveled from all of the Americas to San Diego to participate in a two-week, hands-on science boot camp at UCSD. I volunteered as a teaching assistant and directly supervised one of the student projects.